HFS Worldwide

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Pack 1 comprises the 3 courses that are essential for Maintenance staff who work on electrical or avionic systems as part of their normal tasks. Fuel Tank Safety, Human Factors (Combined) , and EWIS Groups 1 and 2. The EWIS and FTS continuation training requirement, at 2 year intervals, is covered by repeating the Initial course every 2 years, and the HF (Combined) course satisfies both the Initial and Recurrent (Continuation) requirements.   PLEASE NOTE: Our courses work best when taken on a desktop computer or laptop, and the material is designed for larger screens.  We recommend against attempting to take them on a tablet or mobile phone but if you do that, please download the Articulate Mobile app. Read more

Aviation Legislation - General, and the Part 145 Supplement The Aviation Legislation - General covers the Module 10 syllabus at Level 1. The Part 145 Supplement is at Level 2. PLEASE NOTE: Our courses work best when taken on a desktop computer or laptop, and the material is designed for larger screens. Read more

Pack 12 comprises EWIS Groups 6 - 8, with Maintenance Human Factors and Fuel tank Safety Read more

Pack 2 comprises the 3 courses that are essential for most Maintenance staff who are not involved with electrical or avionic systems. Fuel Tank Safety, Human Factors (Combined), and EWIS Groups 4 and 5. The EWIS and FTS continuation training requirement, at 2 year intervals, is covered by repeating the Initial course every 2 years, and the HF (Combined) course satisfies both the Initial and Recurrent (Continuation) requirements.   PLEASE NOTE: Our courses work best when taken on a desktop computer or laptop, and the material is designed for larger screens.  We recommend against attempting to take them on a tablet or mobile phone but if you do that, please download the Articulate Mobile app. Read more

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